Розширений пошук Розширений пошук
Rzeszowski Dom Aukcyjny star_border
Polish coins 432
Coins from middleages of countries historically associated with Poland 5
Coins of countries historically associated with Poland 29
Middle ages 3
Foreign coins 189
Publications, Books, Literature 1
Ancient coins 53
Polish Banknotes 61
Banknotes 15
Polish Medals 13
Poland until 1795 6
XIXth-century Poland and the Second Republic 6
Polish PRL and the Third Polish Republic 1
World medals 19
Militaria 10
Poland badges 9
Orders, Decorations, Badges, Militaria 9
Номінали монет, медалей і паперових грошей
Стан збереження

Аукціон RDA VI (22 листопада 2020) Polish Medals | XIXth-century Poland and the Second Republic

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