ZYGMUNT III VASA] Small crown seal of King Sigismund III Vasa. Period XI 1609 -1621.
Seal of red wax, sunk in a frame (bowl) of natural wax. Seal diameter 5.4 cm, bowl diameter - 8.2 cm.
Description after M. Gumowski ("Seals of Polish Kings", Kraków 1910) and partly W. Krawczuk ("Seals of Sigismund III Vasa", Kraków 1993 (p. 32)):
Nine-field shield. In the center field Snopek of the Vasa family. In the inner shield in the 1st and 4th fields the Three Crowns, in the 2nd and 3rd the Lion of Folkung. In the outer shield in the 1st and 4th fields an Eagle, in the 2nd and 3rd a Lithuanian Pogo. Above the shield a closed crown. On the sides two figures of winged angels.
In the oval the inscription: "SIGISMVNDVS: III: D G: REX: POLON: M: D: LIT: RVS: PRVS: MAS. SA: LIV : NC NEC: N: REG: SVEC: GOT: VAN. HAERE: REX."
Diehl I p. 332 no. 13
Gumowski p. 41 no. 79
Analogous stamp in the Digital Collection of POLONA Library - https://polona.pl/item-view/fa36f3ed-fcb5-44ce-a095-6e009ca7baf3?page=0
Below we publish footage of the offered seal (item 136) and the 1624 image of the Polish Eagle (item 821 in the auction).