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Relic with the remains of four saints, 18th century.

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18th century reliquary with the remains of four saints.

Dimensions 29.5 x 25.0 x 4.5 cm. Material: wood, fabric, filigree, precious stones.

The reliquary contains the remains of the following saints:

1. Mary (?),

2. Jerome of Strydon, (born between 331 and 347 in Strydon, died September 30, 420 in Bethlehem. A saint of the Catholic, Orthodox and Coptic Churches, he translated the text of the Scriptures from the original languages, Greek and Hebrew, into Latin. This translation, known as the Vulgate, is still among the significant biblical texts of the Roman Catholic Church and is its official translation.

3. Augustine of Hippo, (born November 13, 354 in Tagaste, died August 28, 430 in Hippo. A saint of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. He is also considered by many Protestants to be the spiritual ancestor of Protestantism, as his writings greatly influenced the teachings of Luther and Calvin.

4. Nicholas of Myra, also known as Nicholas of Bari. Catholic and Orthodox saint. According to medieval hagiography, he lived at the turn of the 3rd and 4th centuries, was bishop of Myra in Lycia, and was famous for his miracles and for helping the poor and needy.

The reliquary is in the form of a display case. placed in a wooden frame, measuring 29.5 x 25.0 x 4.5 cm. Protected by a pane of glass. In the central part there is a gouache depicting Mary with the Child surrounded by saints and sages of the Church. On the sides of the painting are four relics bearing banderole with the names of the saints. The whole is surrounded by a decorative composition, made of ribbons enriched with filigree, gilding and beads imitating floral compositions. Access to the reliquary is at the back. Secured with a fabric ribbon, bearing a wax seal with a seal imprint, which ensures the originality of the reliquary.

A very nice, decorative item in very good condition.

Auction - European sacred art of the 17th-19th centuries.
12 February 2022 CET/Warsaw
Start price
640 EUR
Hammer price
755 EUR
Hammer price without Byuer's Premium
640 EUR
Views: 218 | Favourites: 2

Dom Aukcyjny Art Magnat

Auction - European sacred art of the 17th-19th centuries.
12 February 2022 CET/Warsaw
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Dom Aukcyjny Art Magnat
Art Magnat Robert Szczygielski
ul. Ładna 12
05-074 Długa Kościelna