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Raoul Dufy(1877-1953),The little bathing butterfly(La Petite Baigneuse aux Papillons

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Etching "re-strike" on tint, Arches France high-grain velin paper; 22 x 30 (plate print), 38 x 48 (sheet), signed from plate under composition "Raoul Dufy",

Raoul Dufy was a French painter, printmaker and designer, and was one of the key representatives of Fauvism, an early 20th century art movement that emphasized intense colors and free compositions. Hisworkwasalsolinked to Impressionism and Cubism,givingit a unique character. He is mainly known for creating colorful and joyfullandscapes, urban scenes, aswellasnumerous sketches and drawings. His works arecharacterized by vivid colors, dynamic lines and a free style of painting, which makeshisworks recognizableall over the world.

Sketches were Dufy's way of quickly capturing ideas and creative impulses. He often made sketches on the spot, such as while walking aroundtown or in the open air. These quick, spontaneous drawingshelpedhimfreeze fleeting moments andrecord his firstimpressionsof composition,color or movement.

The sketch "Little Bathing Butterfly" refers tobeachand seasidethemes, whichwasa frequent motif inDufy'swork.It cansymbolize relaxation,the pleasure of being on thebeach or simplya moment of peace and respite. Despitethe limitations of the medium, the sketch exudes thejoy of life,typicalof Dufy's works.It is possible that this drawingwas created when Dufywas vacationing on the Frenchcoast, when sunlightbrightenedeverythingaround him and life on thebeach pulsates withenergy.Perhapsthe artist simply tookouthis notebook and quicklyconjuredup thischarmingscene,capturingthe sensibilityofthe moment.

Raoul Dufy's workscan befound in many renowned art museumsaround the world, such as the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the Louvre inParisand the Tate Modern in London. In addition, many of hisworksare in private collections and art galleries. Thanks to his unique style and influence on 20th century art, Raoul Dufy remains one of the most significant artists of his era, and his works enjoy continued recognition and interestamongcollectorsand artloversalike.

Christmas Art Auction - Paintings (old and contemporary) ,Graphics
01 December 2024 CET/Warsaw
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395 EUR
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Views: 19 | Favourites: 1

Galeria Akwarium

Christmas Art Auction - Paintings (old and contemporary) ,Graphics
01 December 2024 CET/Warsaw
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Galeria Akwarium
Galeria Akwarium
ul. 10 Lutego 11
81-366 Gdynia
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