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Pablo PICASSO (1881 - 1973) Young sculptor finishing a sculpture (author's original title)

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Lot description

lithograph, handmade paper, 44 x 33 cm; originally mounted on black acid-free cardboard 50 x 40 cm; signed p. d. facsimile of Picasso's signature, numbered in pencil l. d.: 738/1200, in the l. d. corner of the paper a reflected head according to Picasso's drawing, on the back p. d. footer: PABLO PICASSO, VOLLARD SUITE, Planche [engraving number in Roman numerals], Été tirée a 1.200 exemplaires. Tous, les exemplaires ont été numérotés, Copyright by S.P.A.D.E.M. 1973.The " Vollard Suite " cycle is a series of 100 engravings originally made in etching ; engraved by Roger Lacouriere (1892-1967) since 1939.The series was created by Picasso between 1930 and 1937 and was namedafterthe art dealerwhocommissionedthem from Picasso, Ambroise Vollard (1866-1939). Vollard did notlive to see the publication ofthe entire series,which was sponsored by the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Fundafter his death. The seriesincludes prints onvarioussubjects, butthe most importantis thesculptor's studio.Among themis a groupdepictingacarvedheadreminiscent of several othersthat Picassocreated inspired byhislover,Marie-ThéreseWalter. Many of these engravings depict afemalefigurereminiscent of Marie-Thérèse,whowas hismuse andmodel.

Sexuality is arecurringmotif inPicasso'swork, depicted in avariety of ways. In the 1930s,he begancreating scenes of sexual violence. At the time, Picassowasinfluenced by Surrealism,whichencouraged the exploration ofunconsciousthoughts anddesires.

The mythical Minotaur
-partman,part bull -was Picasso's alter ego in the 1930s andpart of a broader exploration of classicismthatwas evident in hisworkfor many years. The minotaurwasalso a symbol of theSurrealists,who saw him as the personification of forbiddendesires. For Picasso, it was an expression ofcomplex emotions during a time of personalturmoil. The Minotaursymbolized lust, violence, guilt and despair.

The lithographs
are from the only pencil-numbered series issued for the Müllheim Museum under the control of SPADEM in an edition of 1,200. The lithographs are from the only numbered pencil series issued for the Müllheim Museum under the control of SPADEM in an edition of 1,200. Original publisher's certificate.

The "Vollard Suite" series is a series of 100 engravings originally made in etching; engraved by Roger Lacouriere (1892-1967) since 1939. The series was created by Picasso between 1930 and 1937 and was named after the art dealer who commissioned them from Picasso, Ambroise Vollard (1866-1939). Vollard did not live to see the publication of the entire series, which was sponsored by the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Fund after his death. The series includes prints of various subjects, but the most important is the sculptor's studio. Among them is a group depicting a carved head reminiscent of several others that Picasso created inspired by his lover, Marie-Thérese Walter. Many of the engravings depict a female figure reminiscent of Marie-Thérèse, who was his muse and model.

Christmas Art Auction - Paintings (old and contemporary) ,Graphics
01 December 2024 CET/Warsaw
Start price
278 EUR
Hammer price
334 EUR
Hammer price without Byuer's Premium
278 EUR
Views: 52 | Favourites: 2

Galeria Akwarium

Christmas Art Auction - Paintings (old and contemporary) ,Graphics
01 December 2024 CET/Warsaw
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About the Auction
About the Seller
Galeria Akwarium
Galeria Akwarium
ul. 10 Lutego 11
81-366 Gdynia
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