Dimensions: 134 x 88 cm (framed)
Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow at the Faculty of Painting from 1979 to 1984, graduating in the studio of Prof. Jerzy Nowosielski. In 1992 she received a scholarship from The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, and in 1995 a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and Arts. She works in painting, photography, makes objects, installations and works in public space. She is the author of distinctive "written" painting. Since 1996, she has cooperated with Otwarta Pracownia in Cracow, and is a member of the association of the same name. Since 1997, she has collaborated with Galeria Foksal in Warsaw. Since 1998, Sawicka has been making large-format prints with black letters on a flesh-pink background (among other things, based on her earlier paintings). The characteristic pink is most often associated with femininity, so issues of the body appear here, but introduced by the artist very discreetly, symbolically. He presents them in galleries and public spaces. In 2003 there was a retrospective exhibition by Jadwiga Sawicka entitled "Nothing inside." The artist presented there her characteristic "written painting," photographs, objects and spatial realizations, creating an intriguing polyphony of reflections on the situation of modern man, inundated by avalanches of messages devoid of essential content and messages.