Untitled (head), charcoal pencil on paper, 60 cm x 49 cm sheet dimension, signed, G. VII. 92 dated, mounted, verso archive number GBZ 3171, Provenance: The artwork is listed in the Georg Baselitz Archive under the number GBZ 3171; Pace Gallery 1992; Galerie Springer & Winkler, Frankfurt; Sotheby's London 23.6.2005, lot 290; Hauswedell & Nolte 4.12.2010, lot 617.
Georg Baselitz is a German artist who articulates himself like no other in the ''demonic expressivity, above all in the visionary distortion of the human figure''. However, the artist does not seem to be concerned with dramatic narration but with gestural painting, which is itself intended to stand as such. In the charcoal drawing dated 1992, a face is recognisable in the wild jumble of lines. The drawing dated 1983 is different. Here a person is sitting at the table with an eagle, both held here in clear lines, from the artist's hand. The man's head resting on his hands, the eagle sitting on the table, as if they were in the middle of a conversation. Since 1966, the subjects have been fragmented by cuts and, from 1969 onwards, turned upside down, whereby Baselitz emphatically accentuates the direction of vision away from the pictorial motif and towards the manner of painting. It is about ''seeing differently'', about the ''other point of view'', the ''other perspective''. In addition to paintings, drawings, woodcuts and graphic art, Baselitz has also been creating expressive, rough-hewn wooden sculptures with colour accents since 1980, as exhibited in numerous museums.