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BRAUN Georg and HOGENBERG Frans, Przemyśl - 1617 - incography

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Incography (modern copy) has occupied an important place in the vast pantheon of contemporary printmaking for more than a decade now, still remaining an innovative and attractive investment. In addition to its investment, interior and aesthetic qualities, the collector's dimension of inkography is a new opening in the design space and the art market.

So why printmaking? Inkography makes it possible to purchase original signed prints by the most outstanding Polish artists at attractive prices. Recently, we have seen an increase in interest in prints at auctions and in galleries. Inkography is becoming an increasing choice of investors and designers.

Inkography has a format: 345 x 480 mm (print).

Original: The bird's-eye view of the city is from Civitates Orbis Terrarum (Volume VI), published by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg, Cologne 1617

Description from the website of the National Museum of the Przemysl Region:

A view of Przemyśl from the San River. In the foreground the river (on the current the inscription: FLVVIVS SAN) and a wooden bridge. On the bridge and the left bank figures of horse and pedestrians and a blanket on the left. In the background
The walled city with eleven towers, four of which are gate towers. Inside the walls, city buildings; mostly gabled roofs are visible. The blocks of the city hall and the cathedral dominate, and most of the buildings bear Gothic features. Inscriptions on bandoliers inform about the more important buildings; distinguish from the left: the Lviv Gate (Porta Leopolis), in the background the Cathedral Church
with the cemetery (Cemitaerium), the Franciscan Church (Templum Franciscanor), the City Hall (PRAETORIUM), St. Peter's Church (Templum S. Pictrae - sic!), the Cathedral Church (Templum Parochiale), below, the Krakow Gate (Porta Cracoviae) also known as the Water Gate, the Dominican Church (Dominicani), the Grodzka Gate (PORTA GROCZKA - sic!),
on the hill to the right the Castle (ARX), on the hill (Tartar Mound) in the far background - St. Leonard's Church (TEMPLVM S. LEONARDI). In addition to the buildings marked with inscriptions, over the two buildings (synagogues?), between the Lvivska and Krakowska gates (the area of the so-called "Jewish City") empty banderole. Above the tower of the city hall on a wide and long banderole the inscription: PREMISLIA CELEBRIS RUSSIAE CIVITAS.

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13 December 2022 CET/Warsaw
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Antykwariat Epicki

Merry Christmas! Third auction of Epic Antiquarian - Star Wars, Tolkien, Dickens, Parisian Culture, illustrated fairy tales, prints
13 December 2022 CET/Warsaw
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Antykwariat Epicki
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