serigraphy,paper, 41x29cm, signed on the board l.d. "czeczot".
Serigraphy edition of 200 pcs, made in 1980. The plates were destroyed under the control of ZPAP Katowice.
Andrzej Czeczot was a cartoonist, caricaturist, stage designer and illustrator.Consideredone ofthe most importantauthors ofpressdrawings, he was knownmainly for his satirical works published in "Szpilki", "Ty i Ja" and "Polityka", among others. His drawingswerealsopublishedin the foreign press, including "The New Yorker" in the USA and "Pardon" in Germany. In addition to satirical drawing,hehasalsobeen involvedinbookillustration,book designand the creation ofshortanimated films.