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Ribbon to pianola - Chopin - Etude Op. 10, No. 11

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Estimations: 211 EUR

Pianola - (Italian: piano = quiet) - a mechanical musicalinstrumentof the late 19th century. It played songs recorded on perforated paper tape with notches corresponding to the pitch and duration of the sounds, which moved over a cylinder with holes, connected by tubes to the piano mechanism. The incoming airflow set the hammer in motion (the hammer struck the string). It was held against a particular string until the notch ended and the tape moving covered the hole, i.e. interrupted the air stream.

Such effects were created as, for example, chords composed of dozens of notes or the simultaneous sound of all registers of the piano.

A ribbon of paper with a piece of music written on it has holes so arranged that each line and the holes on it corresponds to one sound. The more to the right the holes were placed, the higher the sound they corresponded to. As the melody played, the ribbon moved from top to bottom, and the pianist propelled the mechanism with alternately pressed pedals (there were also solutions that did not require constant pedaling). Roughly in the center of the window where the roll was put on was a strip with holes in it, and the currently played notes were represented by these holes, which moved exactly over the strip. During playback, the key mechanism was also driven, making the instrument behave as if the pianist were playing it. Sometimes information such as the title of the song, the words of the song, and so on, was stenciled on the ribbon of paper.

The instrument was known since the 19th century (it was patented by American designer E.S. Votey in 1897). Nowadays it has completely gone out of use, but there are still pieces of pianola in operation.

We present a ribbon containing a piece by Chopin

Etude Op. 10, No. 11

Production: The Aeolian Co., USA

All in original leather case.

Ribbon without damage. Very nice condition.

Autumn Relax. Comics, cartoons, classics and prints. Epic Antiquarian's second auction
16 October 2022 CEST/Warsaw
Start price
84 EUR
211 EUR
Hammer price
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Antykwariat Epicki

Autumn Relax. Comics, cartoons, classics and prints. Epic Antiquarian's second auction
16 October 2022 CEST/Warsaw
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Antykwariat Epicki
Antykwariat Epicki
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