Franciszek Starowieyski is a leading representative of the Polish School of Posters. He was involved in painting, drawing, calligraphy, stage design and more. He was involved in art and creation with his entire being, and left behind a considerable legacy of exceptional and valuable artworks. A fragment of his artistic activity can be auctioned at the 18th Contemporary Classics Auction, in the form of a pastel drawing on paper depicting a hybrid of mythical creatures: a centaur, a griffin and a pegasus. This dynamic image represents Starowieyski's superb artistic technique and his unique, distinctive manner in depicting creatures, especially magical ones. Starowieyski's large-format drawing depicts the title centauro-grypho-pegasus, which has frightened the equine, or stable keeper. Despite the minimalist background behind the figures, the painting opens up the story to the viewer, depicting the climactic moment of the unusual encounter.
The drawing bears the signature: "centauro gryfo - pegasus with frightened horseman | F. Starowieyski | 1702".