Dimensions: 120 x 150 cm
Agata Słowak, Piotr Wesołowski, Szaweł Płóciennik, "HWDPięknu", Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra Building, Warsaw, 28.08-10.07.2019
"HWDPięknu" at the Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra Building, "Szum," 5.07.2019, https://magazynszum.pl/hwdpieknu-w-budynku-orkiestry-sinfonia-varsovia/ (il.)
Agata Szymanek, Phallic Woman. Conversation with Agata Słowak, "Szum", 1.05.2020, https://magazynszum.pl/kobieta-falliczna-rozmowa-z-agata-slowak/ (il.)
She attended the Comprehensive School of Fine Arts in Kielce, and then the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, where she defended her diploma in 2019. The project presented also brought her the main prize in the university's competition of the best diplomas of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts Coming Out. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions including 2019's "Paint Means Blood. Woman, Affect and Desire in Contemporary Painting" at Warsaw's Museum of Modern Art; in 2020 "Pay for Domestic Work" at Foksal Gallery; in 2022 "Anxiety Comes at Dusk" at Zachęta - National Gallery of Art. In addition, in 2022 there was a solo exhibition of the artist at the Foksal Gallery, entitled "Only our states." The artist is the winner of the 30th "Polityka" Passports Gala 2022 in the category of Visual Arts. In her work, Aneta Slowak addresses important social issues, with a distinction for human relations, cultural gender and women's issues that take into account her own desires and fears.