Augustus II the Strong (1697-1733), Medal to commemorate the birth of Frederick Augustus (later Augustus III), 1696, Wroclaw, designed and executed by Johann Kittel; Av: Bust of Albert III Wettin slightly to right, ALBERTVS ANIMOSVS DV : SAX : NAT - 27 IUL - 1443, in section ELECTORUM / PARENS.; Rw: Oval table, on it two crossed swords, on them a cape on which a child is lying, FR. AVG. EXOPTATVS . EL . S . HÆR . N . 7/17 OCT . 1696 ., in FIRMATA SVC- / CESSIO. section; Chelminski 1041, F.u.S. 4155, ZKW Medals 145; silver, 33.3 mm, 10.72 g.