Erik Johansson Dahlberg (1625-1703), Nicolas Perelle (1631-1695), Urbs Varsovia / view of Warsaw 1696
Copperplate on paper (facsimile), 22.2 x 46 cm / 15 x 39 cm
Signed: E.J.Dahlberg ad vivum delin., l.d.:Perelle sculp.
Excellent quality facsimile of one of the most famous views of old Warsaw (shown from the Prague bank of the Vistula River). The drawing was made by Erik J. Dahlberg, painter and architect in the service of Charles X Gustav during the Polish-Swedish War. It was created on June 22, 1656 (date inscribed in the cartouche at the top), just before the destruction of Warsaw by the army of Rakoczy, Duke of Transylvania, an ally of Charles Gustav. The engraving was based on a drawing by Nicolas Perelle.
The engraving was published in Samuel Pufendorf's work "De Rebus a Carolo Gustavo Sveciae Rege Gestis Commentariorium Libri Septem," published in Nuremberg in 1696 (plate no. 54).
[PK 2024/02/AK/4 53]