Dimensions: 45 x 47 cm
Signed, dated and inscribed p.d.: '25.12.97 A. Nowacki 97'
The artist spent his early youth in Cracow, where, among other things, he participated in interior design and restoration work. In 1977, he leaves Poland. He studies Scandinavian studies at the University of Gothenburg, German studies and art history at the University of Innsbruck. In the 1980s he meets two Polish abstractionists - Kajetan Sosnowski and Henryk Stażewski. With Stażewski he maintains contact for many years. In 1982 he moves to Düsseldorf and in 1984 to West Berlin, where he devotes himself to creative work. In 1984, he makes intensive attempts at painting. This is also when drawings and pastels are created. The artist's first solo exhibition takes place at the Pommersfelde Gallery in West Berlin in 1987. A year later he begins to create his first reliefs. In 1992, the artist's first exhibition in Poland is presented at the Pryzmat Gallery in Cracow. Subsequent exhibitions of the artist: 1995 - individual exhibition at Berinson Gallery in Berlin, 1996 - individual exhibition 'Summer Full of Rain' at Amfilada Gallery Szczecin. Since that year, the artist begins to sign the works with the date of their creation. In 1997, he takes part in the XV International Plein-Air of artists using the language of geometry, organized by Bożena Kowalska in Okuninka near Chełmno. In 1999, he travels to the US at the invitation of art collectors in New Jersey and creates a new series of reliefs. In 2001 she receives a one-year scholarship from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation in New York.