ZERNECKE Jacob Heinrich - Das Bey denen Schwedischen Kriegen Bekriegte Thorn, Oder Zuverlässige Erzehlung Desjenigen, Was sich bey dieser Stadt Im Jahr 1629, 1655, 1658 und 1703 In Anfällen, Bloqvir- Bombardir- und Belagerungen denckwürdiges zugetragen: Dabey ein nöthiger Anhang Zur Thornischen Chronicke. Zusammen getragen und ausgefertiget von Jacob Heinrich Zernecken. Thorn 1712. gedruckt und zu finden bey Joh. Nicolai. 4, p. [20], 224, table ff. 1. opr. wsp. pperg.
E. 35, 293. very good condition. Two-color title page, red and black. First edition (differing in titlepage from the reissue of the same year). The work of the later mayor of Toruń, J. H. Zernecke (1672-1741), devoted to the fourfold siege of Toruń during the Polish-Swedish wars, when Toruń sided with Augustus II. Zernecke held the office of mayor from 1720, and after the Toruń Tumulat in VII 1724 was sentenced to death for inciting a riot, as a result of which the evangelicals of Toruń demolished a college and a Jesuit monastery. After the intervention of deputies with King Augustus II the Strong, he avoided execution and moved to Gdansk.
"J. H. Zernecke (1672-1741) holds a special place in the pantheon of distinguished and outstanding Torunians. This baroque historian of the history of Torun, author of the impressive and still used today 'Torun Chronicle,' was at the same time a participant, hero and even a victim of the dramatic events that shook his hometown during the difficult period of the 1st half of the 18th century. Because of his entanglement in the famous Toruń tumult of 1724 [...] he gained notoriety in almost all of his contemporary Europe" (lubimyczytac.pl).
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