CURIEUSE Gespräche derer Königreiche von Europa, über die itzo weitaussehenfe Pohlnischen Conjuncturen, vom Krieg und Frieden derer itzigen Zeiten. 1734. stück 1-6. [n.m.] 1734. 4, p. 184 [pag. continuous]. altogether bound in common pperg., stained trim.
E. 17, 125. Tucked small loss of margin of one page, good condition. Last two parts with title slightly altered: "Das fünffte Stück derer Europäischen Gespräche uber die itzo weit-aussehenden Pohlnischen Conjuncturen vom Krieg und Frieden" and "Curieuse Gespräche zwischen zweyen Reichs-Fürstenthümern, über die itzo weitaussehende Pohlnischen Conjuctionen vom Krieg und Frieden derer itzigen Zeiten". Each part with a stenciled illustration on the title page referring to the current situation in Poland (one engraving used twice). One depicts dancing mice in the absence of a cat, an allegory of the disorder prevailing in the Kingdom of Poland without a ruler. A set of 6 pamphlets containing documentation of diplomatic talks between European countries concerning the Polish War of Succession in 1733-1735. The dispute was between supporters of Stanislaw Leszczynski and August III, both candidates vying for the Polish crown. The choice of monarch was of international importance, with France, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, England, the Netherlands, Prussia, among others, having their say in the matter. Estreicher records only 5 parts, and the description he gives is residual. Rare.
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