SLAWIAN. Collected and published by Stanislaw Jaszowski. Volume I. Lviv 1837, printed by Peter Piller. Format 14/21 cm. p. [1] p., with engraving - intaglio portrait of Anna Terlecka of Cracow, engraved by Rybiczka in Prague, 179, 8, [1] p., with score of Song of Spring by J. Prawoslaw Kaubek, [2] p., fold-out with score of Winter Song by A. Rósciszewski published in Prague in 1835, with music by Jan Witasek, translated by Waclaw Hanka. Opr., introlig., ppłtn. [ Of the more interesting things contained herein : Jenealogico-historical fractions, By Jan Prawoslaw Kaubek. I. The Werszowc family, the Rejs of Naglowice. II. Kolowrats. Memoir of Spain, by Michael Popiel. (Napoleonic War, Sommo - Sierra). Radziwill library in Nesvizh, by Stanislaw Przylêcki. Herbarz szlachty wierszem opisany, from a manuscript of 1770. Tomasz Łużecki in Budzanów of the year 1672, by Stanisław Przyłęcki ( defense of Budzanów against the Turks). Rare.