SKÓRCZEWSKI Bolesław - KLIMATOLOGY OF KRYNICA as a spa and bathing establishment. NA POD PODIE SPOSTRZEŻEŃ METEOROLOGICZNYCH w latach 1877-1882 dokonanych opracowal Dr. Bolesław Skórczewski lekarz zdrojowy [A thing read at a meeting of the Cracow Balneological Commission]. Published by the c. k. Krynica Spa Board. Krynica 1883.
Format:15x23cm. Pages:118. Cover soiled. Tables, charts.
Excerpt:"A thorough knowledge of climatic details is important for every locality: but it is far more important for those localities which are intended for curative purposes, for spas and health resorts. In this regard, however, not much has been done to date at all. A complete meteorological station was established in Krynica at the end of 1876, at the expense of the Imperial Directorate of Domains and Forests. This station is under the strict control and direction of the chairman of the meteorological section of the Cracow Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr. Karlinski, and partly also Prof. Dr. Wierzbicki. Some sections of these meteorological observations were published in print by the Academy in its "Reports of the Physiographic Commission"; other sections that were not included there I drew from manuscripts kept at the Academy of Sciences. The material on the basis of which I have composed the present work is contained in Part II."