GALLERY of traitors. In the anti-Polish diversionary activities of the imperialist centers, the Zionist intelligence of Israel plays a special role [...]. We would now like to discuss some of these figures in more detail and reflect on the reasons that enabled them to practice diversionary activities in our country. Here are some of them: Jozef Swiatlo (Isaac Fleischfarb), Wladyslaw Tykocinski (Elijah Tikhotiner), Seweryn Bialer [...]. These repulsive characters are not and were not traitors to our homeland of People's Poland. Poland was never their homeland [...]. Their homeland is the U.S. dollar regardless of whether they receive it in Tel Aviv, Bonn or Washington. [Cracow, IV 1968]. [Subp.] Jerzy Baranski. K[rakowskie] Z[akłady] G[raficzne] 4.
Single-sided print on ark. 30.3x21.2 cm. Government anti-Semitic leaflet from the events of March 1968. Reprint of an article from "Soldier of Freedom" dated April 4, 1968. Transverse folding mark, very good condition.
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