KOPERA Felix - DZIEJE MALARSTWA W POLSCE Volume1-3 (kpl. in 2 volumes).
Warsaw-Krakow 1925-1929; druk. Narod. 4, pp. VII, [1], 250, [2], plate 24; [4], 345, plate 52; XII, 572, plate 103. Dimensions 21x27.5cm. Half leather binding of the period. Signed binding with bookbinder's stamps on the plywood boards: H.Nowakowski, Lviv.
Over 1,000 reproductions in the text and on 179 plates (including 92 color rotogravures and chromotypes). Volume1: Medieval Painting in Poland, vol. 2:
to the 18th century, volume 3: Painting in Poland of the 19th and 20th centuries.One of the best works on the history of painting in Poland.Very good condition(a few soiling).