Catalog of the Gallery of Polish Painting, Warsaw 1938, National Museum National Museum in Warsaw [1938], foreword and co-pr. by Jerzy Sienkiewicz, dimensions 13.5 x 19 cm., pp. [1], 93, [7] , 107 f. plates with il. Publisher's softcover. Condition of preservation more than good.
This catalog covers only the paintings exhibited in the rooms of the second floor of the Gallery of Polish Painting (rooms No. 49-61) *). The overview of the works collected in the Gallery is limited to the framework from the 16th up to the 20th century, while from the last period the dead and living artists are represented, in paintings, relating to the epoch of Polish art, which we are already looking at in retrospect. The arrangement of the gallery, which is essentially chronological, while combining the works of one artist, or one era and environment, into compact groups, depends on the plan of the building, the stock and the nature of the museum collection. Naturally, paintings of smaller dimensions were displayed primarily in the lower, side rooms, which must have caused some deviation from the observed principle of arrangement. Analogous deviations also arose in post-smaller assemblies, such as those of 17th century artists. For reasons of deliberate ex-position, they required separation, and as a result of the limited number of paintings, they had to be placed in the side rooms and thus break out of the chronological sequence. [...]