[ULTIMATE PRINTING]. !POLISH MILITARY TREASURE! Bewildered foreigners by our people! This people so noble, strong and aware and so senatorial, and so inflammatory. In the days of the Grunwald celebration. It turned out , that Poland has long ceased to be a country of exuberant royals, that the crew from the trenches of the Holy Trinity has long ceased to rule. Włodz. Tetmajer. [ Following is an excerpt from a letter to the American Polish community by Waclaw Sieroszewski. Excerpt from a letter from Ignacy Daszynski to Aleksander Debski Secretary of the Committee of National Defense in the United States. Concludes the text signed by Włodzimierz Przerwa - Tetmajer for the Board of the Polish Military Treasury. Text decorated with a silhouette of a military dobosz. Lithographed Printing. Pages 4, of which only the top one with text. Rare.