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Heraldic Monthly. Organ of the Heraldic Society. Circulated by the Heraldic Society. Red....

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Heraldic Monthly. Organ of the Heraldic Society. Circulation of the Heraldic Society. Editor. Wladyslaw Semkowicz. Lvov and Warsaw 1908-1915, 1931-1939. r. 1-18. 4, binding somewhat late. pp. in 8 vols.
Czas. BJ 5, 108. Bindings inconsistent and slightly rubbed, otherwise good condition. Yearbook 17/18 of 1938/1939 in common cloth binding. Illustrations in text. Volume of each yearbook approx. 200 pages (except for r. 7/8 of 1914/1915 with continuous pagination). Publisher's set. At the end of vol. 3 of r. 6-8 is indented: Fr. Kamocki "Heraldic oddities". Warsaw 1916. order of the author. 4, pp. [2], 49 and M. Bersohn "Polish Students at the University of Bologna in the 16th and 17th centuries". Cracow 1890. order of the author. 4, p. 23. Beginning with volume 9, from 1930, the place of publication was changed to Warsaw and the title changed to "Monthly Heraldic Journal, and the publisher to the Warsaw Branch of the Heraldic Society. Tow. and edited by Oskar Halecki, Józef Puzyna, Zygmunt Wdowiszewski, Stanisław Kętrzyński. Organ of the Polish Heraldic Society ". Contains, among others:
R. 1 - W. Semkowicz "Zawołania jako hasło bojowe", S. Dziadulewicz "Kilka słów o herbie Lubcza".
R. 2 - S. Kutrzeba "Przyczynki do teoryi runicznej", W. Semkowicz "Were the Skargowie were nobles?".
R. 3 - O. Halecki "On the original coat of arms of the Wyhovskis", H. Polaczkówna "Liber Chamorum".
R. 4 - O. Forzt "Przyczynki do najdawszej genealogii Potockich herbu Pilawa", Z. Kozicki "Unknown pismo Łukasza Górnickiego o szlachcie wolnej i niewolnej"
R. 5 - A. Jablonowski 'On the names of coats of arms and surnames', W. Semkowicz 'On the origin and distribution of the Amadej family in Poland'.
R. 6 - L. Grocholski "The late Aleksander Jablonowski as a herald", T. Krygowski "The puzzling shields of arms on the Polish carpets", M. Rawita Witanowski "The pedigree of general Józef Bem"
R. 7 - S. Dziadulewicz "How to legitimize oneself from nobility before the former Heraldry of the Kingdom of Poland", K. Sochaniewicz "Contribution to the development of the coat of arms of the dukes of Zbarazki".
R. 8 - S. Kozierowski "Studya nad pierwotnem rozsiedlenia rycerstwa wielkopolskiego. III. The family of Vczelicz".
R. 9 - J. Dunikowski "On the name of the nest of the Dunikowski family from Ursk", W. Semkowicz "The legal and social position of the Polish nobility in the light of own and foreign opinion".
R. 10 - W. Tomkiewicz "Z dziejów walki o tytuły książęce", J. Pogonowski "Puchcze Horodyscy".
R. 11 - J. Pogonowski "Legitimacy of the nobility after the partitions", R. Przezdziecki "Roch czyli wieża szachowa w herbach polskich i obcych"
R. 12 - F. Kamocki "Dimensions of proper shields of coats of arms", Z. Wojciechowski "The emergence of nobility in Poland", W. Semkowicz "Ćwierćwiecze badań monograficznych nad rodami rycerstwa polskiego"
R. 13 - M. Friedberg "Adam Chmiel as a sfragist and herald", K. Tymieniecki "On the rise of nobility in Poland".
R. 14 - M. Gumowski "Herby and Warsaw seals", J. Pajewski "Szlachcic polski dyplomat turecki (Jan Kierdej Said-bej)
R. 15 - Z. Lasocki "Origin of Marja Sklodowska-Curie", E. Taylor "Origin of the Rozyckis".
R. 16 - A. Gieysztor "On the origin and distribution of the Grabi family", Z. Lasocki "Erazm Gliczner 'Skrzetuski'".
R. 17 - Z. Lasocki "Somewhat about 'noble titular vanities'", W. Wehr "Drobiazgi heraldyczne w geografji Łubieńskiego".
R. 18 - H. Łowmiański "List of the derivations of nobility in Lithuania mostly from the years 1773-1799", O. Halecki "Koriatowicze a przodkowie Holszańskich i Czartoryskich".
Heraldic Monthly - a monthly magazine published in 1908-1915 in Lviv and in 1931-1939 in Warsaw. It belonged to the most important scientific specialized periodicals coming out in Lviv. It was established as one of two, along with the "Heraldic Yearbook", press organs of the Heraldic Society, which existed from 1906 to 1915. The editor-in-chief was Wladyslaw Semkowicz (1908-1915). The editorial board gathered around it a group of the then more important Polish researchers in the fields of heraldry, genealogy and sfragistics. It published scientific dissertations, monographs of more significant Polish families and families. There was also a section of reports and reviews. Due to the war, the publication of the periodical was suspended. On January 20, 1930, at a meeting of the Board of the Warsaw Branch of the Polish Heraldic Society, a decision was made to reactivate the journal. Oskar Halecki (1930-1939) became the editor-in-chief, the position of vice-editor was taken by Halecki's student Zygmunt Wdowiszewski. The journal was published until 1939. (Wikipedia).
138th antiquarian auction (17/18-06-2023)
17 June 2023 CEST/Warsaw
Start price
360 EUR
Hammer price
618 EUR
Views: 44 | Favourites: 1

Antykwariat RARA AVIS

138th antiquarian auction (17/18-06-2023)
17 June 2023 CEST/Warsaw
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