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Zdzislaw Czermanski (1900-1970), Pilsudski standing

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lithograph, dimensions 31.5x26 cm, with frame 37.5x52 cm, signed lower left corner

Zdzislaw Czermanski (born 1900 in Cracow, died January 27, 1970 in New York) - Polish graphic artist-cartoonist, author of memoirs. He studied drawing with Kazimierz Sichulski in Lviv. During World War I he joined the Legions. After the war he was promoted to the rank of captain. Beginning in 1920, he published caricatures of personalities from the world of politics in the weekly "Szczutek" and later also in "Cyrulik Warszawski." His caricatures were devoid of malicious deformations and were liked by the people portrayed. Jozef Pilsudski ordered 13 caricatures of the Marshal to be hung on the walls of the Belvedere. After leaving the army, he went to Paris, where he continued his studies with Fernand Léger. In 1930 there was a solo exhibition of his works at the Galerie Charpentier. From France he left for England, where he drew for "Graphic" magazine, and in 1931 he went to the USA at the invitation of "Fortune Magazine", with which he worked until 1934. In 1935 he returned to Poland and began working with "Literary News". In 1939 he organized an exhibition "100 Great Poles" at the IPS premises. At the beginning of World War II, through Vilnius, Scandinavia, France, Portugal and Brazil, he arrived in New York in 1941. He again began working with "Fortune Magazine" and "Look" and "Life". He published a volume of memoirs "Colored People." At the end of his life, he made a series of 50 portraits of world personalities, purchased by the University of Texas at Austin. Czermanski participated in the life of the Polish American community, and collaborated with Jan Lechon, among others. He was a recipient of the Alfred Jurzykowski Award. Winner of the Association of Polish Writers Abroad Award in 1966.
Ancient art and painting
15 December 2022 CET/Warsaw
Start price
173 EUR
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Galeria Staszica

Ancient art and painting
15 December 2022 CET/Warsaw
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Galeria Staszica
Galeria Staszica
ul. Półwiejska 20 / 5
61-888 Poznań
Opening hours
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
Zdzisław Czermański star
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