Dimensions: 29.5 x 19 cm (in light of frame)
Signed, d ated and described in pencil at the bottom: 'ep. d'artiste 10/50 "Panama" S. Wójtowicz | 1980'.
Studied from 1940-42 at the Staatliche Kunstgewerbeschule in Cracow, which was an informal continuation of the pre-war Academy. After World War II, he continued his studies at the Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts from 1945-47. He worked at his alma mater as a teacher from 1950-75. He belonged to the circle of the most prominent representatives of artistic graphics of the 1960s, alongside Jozef Gielniak and Jerzy Panek, with whom he was friends, as well as other creators of this extremely developed, especially in Cracow, field of creativity. Proficient in all graphic techniques, he was particularly fond of woodcut. He created works usually in large formats. He synthesized shapes and views into compact areas of black and white, sometimes with color accents. In addition to printmaking, he did painting and drawing, marginally designing posters. He was a member of the MARG group (since 1957), "Circle" and the International Association of Wood Engravers XYLON in Switzerland. His works are in the world's most prestigious museums, such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York.