Color lithograph, BFK Rives lithographic paper (watermark), 27 x 40 cm
(composition), 70 x 50 cm (sheet), dry certification stamp "Dali in a circle with a
crown," signed facsimile and numbered in pencil MCXCIX/MM handwritten under the
Dream is one of Dali's most famous and controversial paintings from the series
"Paranoia and War." A huge, almost amorphous head connected only by a thin,
unnaturally elongated thread of a "neck" with a dangling body left on the ground,
as if hovering above a joyless world. Dali shows us
the fragility of a dream symbolizing the fragility of life. Life, like a dream needs support,
even a dog's life If we remove the support (supports in the painting), both the
head and the dog will fall to the ground.