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Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), Apocalypse: The Woman and the Seven-headed Dragon

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woodcut (20th century print), paper ,40 x 30 cm in light passe - partout,
signed on the plate,
middle: bound monogram"AD"

Albrecht Dürer's woodcut "The Woman and the Seven-headed Dragon" ("Die Frau und der siebenköpfige Drache") comes from his famous cycle "Apocalypse", which was published in 1498. The cycle is based on visions from the Apocalypse of St. John (the Book of Revelation), one of the most symbolic books of the New Testament, which describes the end of the world,the struggle between good andevil, andGod'sfinalvictory over theforces ofdarkness.

The woodcut "The Woman and the Seven-Headed Dragon" illustrates a passage from Revelation, which describes the battle between the woman in heaven and the seven-headed dragon, or Satan incarnate. The woman is depicted in the centralpart of the painting, wearing aradiantrobe, whichalludes to the biblical description of the woman "clothed withthe sun, andthemoonunder her feet, and on herhead a crown of twelve stars" (Rev. 12:1). She symbolizesthe Church,purity and holiness, aswell astheMotherofGod. Her figure exudes majesty and serenity, despite the dramatic situation. On the right side of the woodcut can be seena powerfulfigure of a dragon with sevenheads and ten horns, which symbolizes Satan and his forces of evil. The woman gives birth to a child, who rises to heaven. This is a symbol of Christ, who is torule "all nations with arod of iron" (Rev. 12:5). It is a motif of salvation and God's triumph over evil. In the background, above the scene,one can see figures ofangelswith swords,whofight againstthe forces of thedragon. This isa reference to the battle ofArchangelMichaeland hisangelsagainst demons,symbolizingtheeternalbattlebetweenthe forces ofgood andevil.

Dürer used the woodcut technique toachievedetailed and dramatic visual effects. The lines are precise, and the details -especially in the depiction of the dragon, the figure of the woman and thebackground-are rich and dynamic.The entire scene isfilledwithbiblical andmoralsymbolism, which is typical oflate medieval and early Renaissance art.Dürercreated anapocalypticvision, inwhichthemes of hope, salvation and the inevitable struggle between good andevilareinterwoven.

The "Apocalypse" series was Dürer's first major project, which brought him international fame. It was created during a period of greatsocial, religious and politicaltensionsinlate 15th century Europe. At the time, people were livingin an atmosphere of anticipation of the imminent end of the world, whichexplains thepopularityofapocalyptic motifsin the art of the period.

Dürer's woodcutsalsoshowthe influence of humanism andmodernideas.Althoughgrounded in the medievaltradition ,Dürerbrought an innovativeapproach to composition and expression to hisworks,makinghisartuniqueto the period.

Christmas Art Auction - Paintings (old and contemporary) ,Graphics
01 December 2024 CET/Warsaw
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Galeria Akwarium

Christmas Art Auction - Paintings (old and contemporary) ,Graphics
01 December 2024 CET/Warsaw
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Galeria Akwarium
Galeria Akwarium
ul. 10 Lutego 11
81-366 Gdynia
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