Insurgent of Greater Poland, who himself with a group of volunteers moved to the aid of the insurgents.
Living in Pomerania, from the moment of the outbreak he took an active part in the metastasis of volunteers from Pomerania going to the uprising. In mid-January, he himself and a group of volunteers crossed the Prussian border near Zielun. While crossing the border, he was fired upon by a Grenzschutz patrol and was lightly wounded and treated in a hospital in Mława, from where he transferred to the insurgent army in Greater Poland. From 8 II 1919 he took part in the battles near Szubin and after the uprising took part in the Polish-Bolshevik war. For his participation in the uprising in 1958 he was decorated with the Polish Communist Party (WKP). In 1972 he was appointed to the rank of second lieutenant.