On the reverse (without photo): Tramway Legitimation for Actual Students of No.21, filled in by hand in pen for Wladyslaw Guzik, Head of the school powsz. No.21 (in the school year 1926/27) signed by School Inspector K. ...(illegible), otherwise stamped by the Republic of Poland School Inspector of the City of Warsaw
On the obverse with photo: stamp in the field for the winter semester with an imprinted indication that it is valid until 1/III-27, at the bottom a notation in red pen N.O/20, besides three stamps: All-day concessionary fare valid until dn. 1.XI.27 Dyrekcja Tramwajów Miejskich Dyrektor (and facsimile signature?); Dyrekcja Tramwajów Miejski[ch] w Warszaw[ie]; Republic of Poland, School Inspector Szk. m.st. Warszawy
Double-sided print, sheet size 9.2 x 12.6 cm.
Wladyslaw Guzik - refers to a living between 1884(?)- 2.VII.1927 head of school in Wiskitki (card from year of owner's death, see obituary in surviving church books https://metryki.genealodzy.pl/index.php?op=pg&id=70&se=&sy=603&kt=1&plik=605-612.jpg&x=321&y=62&zoom=1 ), uncle(?) of Wladyslaw Palucki (1905-1989) military officer, historian of PAN.