RABSKA Zuzanna, GUMOWSKI Marian] Correspondence of Zuzanna Rabska to Marian Gumowski. 4 letters from 1934-1946.
A set of correspondence of Zuzanna Rabska (1888-1960), bibliophile, poet and writer to Marian Gumowski (1881-1974), numismatist, sfragist, professor of history. The set consists of the following objects:
1. postcard, notation. 2 s. Date. Gościeszyn, 14 XI [19]34 To Prof. Marian Gumowski. [Dear doctor! Only today I received your address...I am waiting for a few words of news and greet you beautifully. Z. Rabska]. Dimension 9 x 14 cm.
Explains the lack of contact during his stay in Warsaw, about which he complains a lot ("a thousand and one troubles, rage, disgust, pulling a tooth and love disappointment"). He invites M. Gumowski's spouse to stay with him as a guest, if M. Gumowski's wife allows.
2. postcard, inscribed 2 pp. Dat. 19.7.37, Miłowody. To Prof. Marian Gumowski. [Dear Director. I send you a neighborly greeting from Miłowody, where I treat my nerves and heart...]. Dimensions 9 x 14 cm. Signature stamp. Lech Kokociński.
Asks when M. Gumowski will visit her to talk about "our collecting matters". She bows to Mr. Gumowski.
3. postcard, inscribed 2 pp. Dat. 4/II 46.To Prof. Marian Gumowski.
[Gracious and Dear Sir! I received your address from Belza, I was happy and I am writing right away to announce to you that I am alive and full of vigor and enthusiasm in my work...I am working in the Institute of National Remembrance, maybe you can give me some material?"]. Dimension 10.5 x 14.5 cm.
Rabska informs that she is alive and working intensively in an apartment in Saska Kepa. She asks that Prof. Gumowski describe his wartime fate and the fate of his collections ("Did you save anything? And the collections? And the stamps? And exlibraries? And books? Books!!!"), which he quips ironically, "I already have five books and nine exlibris."
4. postcard, notation. 2 s. Dated. 28/XI [1946]. Warsaw. To Prof. Marian Gumowski [Dear Sir. Thank you for the nice card. It is necessary to get back to you to remind you of my humble person. For the list of books for the University I have absolutely no time. I offer only 9 volumes of Volumina legum, the Piarist edition of the 18th century...]. Dimension 10.5 x 14.5 cm.
Rabska gently admonishes Prof. Gumowski, writing that he must be reminded of his memory. He writes that there is no time for an inventory of books for the University (presumably Torun) and that he is now offering 9 volumes of "Volumina legum," a Piarist edition from the 18th century ("leather-bound volumes from the period, excellently preserved"). She asks if she can count on a gift of eklibrises, of which she has newly collected 1,000 pieces. Finally, she boasts of the publications she has undertaken, including the sonnets "Book and War."
Marian Gumowski (born September 30, 1881 in Krościenko nad Dunajcem, died October 1, 1974 in Torun) - Polish numismatist and sphragist, historian, in 1919-1932 director of the Museum of Wielkopolska in Poznań, since 1955 professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun.
Zuzanna Rabska, née Kraushar (born September 22, 1888 in Warsaw, died October 23, 1960 there) - Polish poet, writer, translator.