A native of Podwołoczysk [Ukraine].
Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1925
student of the Faculty of Humanities
From the Arłamowski family archives [Emilja Tułasiewiczóna was the wife of Kazimierz Arłamowski.]
Kazimierz Arłamowski - historian, educator, social and political activist, and above all, archivist, long-time director of the Regional State Archive in Rzeszów with headquarters in Przemyśl (in 1952-1970), author of many studies on the history of the city of Przemyśl. He is credited with organizing the network of state archives in southeastern Poland. Arłamowski is counted among the leading Polish archivists. [source: https://www.przemysl.ap.gov.pl/art,672,rocznica-urodzin-kazimierza-arlamowskiego]