CALENDAR of the People's School Society for the year one thousand nine hundred and one [!] 1911. edited by M. Stępowski. Year 4, Cracow. TSL General Board. 8, pp. [4], 16, CXXVIII, 240, 17-96, plates 8. oryg. pp.
Slight rubbing of the edges of the covers, over-cracking of the block in the final part, slight folds of the edges of four pages. Stamp. J. S. Zubrzycki. Cover designed by A. Gramatyka-Ostrowska. Contains, among other things, the TSL, church and state schematics, a directory of deputies, Lviv and Krakow lawyers, a literary section, and articles: Sins of our eating, Children vs. songs, Pija Kuba do Jakóba, What dresses will be worn in 1911, Caution for lonely men, Rescuing pets from fire, Salt mines in Wieliczka.
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