Zincograph plate - notes by Herman Silwedel early 20th century [p.8].
Plate with sheet music of page 8 of the work " Brüder in Zechen und Gruben " - Brothers in the mines - {marches}.
Good condition, plate not cleaned.
Format : 21 x 28 [cm].
Hermann Gustav Silwedel (born March 19, 1877 in Hohenwalde, county Landsberg (Warthe) , today Wysoka , municipality Lubiszyn, Lubuskie province , Poland ; † May 10, 1936 in Landsberg an der Warthe, today Gorzow Wielkopolski ) was a German Composer and music publisher .
Zincography - relief printing graphic technique, in which the substrate is a zinc plate, mainly used as a method of industrial printing. For printing, an image or drawing is transferred to the zinc plate and then etched with acid. At the beginning of the 20th century, it also began to be used for artistic purposes - after etching the plate, paint is applied with a roller, which on the print gives the effect of a bright, sharp line on a dark background. With the help of zincography, two-color prints can be obtained by rubbing one dye into the concave parts and applying the other with a roller.
A one-of-a-kind plate.