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ZIELIŃSKI Tadeusz - The ancient world - 3 volumes

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Estimations: 43 EUR

The "Antique World" we present consists of the following volumes:

I - Fabulous Antiquity

For the Greeks of ancient times, the Argonauts, Hector and the beautiful Helen, Achilles, Odysseus, Eurydice were heroes of recent history, heroes who were worshipped, and the memory of them was passed from mouth to mouth in stories called myths today. The book by Tadeusz Zielinski, the greatest Polish researcher of the ancient world, is precisely a book about the heroes of ancient Greece. A must-read for any lover of antiquity.

II. Greece independent

It covers the history of the Hellenes and their culture from the 12th century to the end of the 4th century BC, that is, from the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization up to and including the great conquests of Alexander the Great.
The peculiarity of this book is the predominance of the cultural-historical element - that is, literary, artistic, philosophical and moral sketches. Since we see in ancient Greece the source of our culture, such predominance is completely justified.

III. Roman Republic

The title Roman Republic, which Tadeusz Zieliński gave to the third volume of his great series The Ancient World, should be considered too narrow in relation to its content. For it discusses not only the history of Rome from the very beginnings of the city in the middle of the eighth century to the fall of the republic at the end of the first century BC, but also, at least in part, the history of those Mediterranean states that came successively into the orbit of Roman interests, influence and conquests. Thus, it was first about Carthage, then about the so-called Hellenistic monarchies, Macedonia, Pergamon, Syria, Egypt, as well as the cities and states of Greece proper.

As in previous volumes, the author devoted much space and attention to matters of Greek and Roman culture of that era. And the former, in particular, was conquering vast areas at the time, spreading widely throughout all the lands of the Middle East on the one hand, and on the other, gaining a savvy disciple in the Romans themselves. New and to this day influential works, forms and directions of scientific and artistic creativity in all fields and scopes were created.

Silesia Publishing House

Format: 245 x 170 mm, 468, 390, 526s.

Hardcover, cloth binding, laminated wrappers.

The set in nice condition, with minor scuffs of the third volume.

Recommended as a gift for a lover of antiquity.

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Merry Christmas! Third auction of Epic Antiquarian - Star Wars, Tolkien, Dickens, Parisian Culture, illustrated fairy tales, prints
13 December 2022 CET/Warsaw
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