ŻABCZYC Jan - Ethics of the court of Ian Zabczyc [Cracow: s. n.] 1645.
S. nlb. (22). H. 17.8 cm. Cardboard binding (broch.), later. Tears, loss of paper of part of pages. Illegible stamp on title page. Part of pages quite badly deteriorated.
"Court Ethics" by Jan Żabczyc is a collection of casual epigrams, maxims and sayings, of a typically courtly nature. It contains sometimes very playful and bold references to the pleasures of this world, especially those related to the taste of spirits.
Very rare.
Jan Żabczyc(1580-1629) - poet, paremiographer, author of the first collection of Polish carols, entitled Symfonie anielskie abo Kolęda mieszkańcom ziemskim od muzyki niebieskiej, wdzięcznym okrzykkiem na Dzień Narodzenia Pańskiego zaśpiewane (published in Krakow, 1630).
He is the author of a collection entitled Angelic Symphonies.... (1630), containing 36 carols, mostly of the pastoral variety. The works are characterized by considerable diversity: from the subject matter to the construction of the poems. The collection also includes pastorals built in dialogue form, similar to nativity plays. Symphonies... was preceded by an Instruction, in which he included references to melodies popular in Poland at the time, on the basis of which he wrote carols. In doing so, he used the so-called counterfactual, i.e. he used the melody of a secular song in a song of a religious nature.
In later years, the collection was published under a different name - that of Jan Karol Dachnowski, hence there are doubts that Żabczyc was not just a collector of Christmas songs. Numerous songs from this collection have permanently entered the canon of Polish carols, such as Przybieżeli do Betlejem, Pastuszkowie, bracia mili.
In addition, Żabczyc was the author of collections titled Court Practice (1615), Court Ethics (1615), Court Politics (1616), Quaternio, in which Divine matters incomprehensible, angels, heaven, elemental duties and human customs are expressed (1629). These editions mainly contained maxims, poems, paraphrases of proverbs. In addition, Zabczyc is the author of a parody of the so-called astrological prognosticator entitled Perpetual Calendar (1614). [after wikipedia.pl].
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