WFM 125 cm3 motorcycle. Model: M06-S01-Z1. Insert partially amending the WFM 125 cm3 Motorcycle Service Manual, Model M06-S34 for users of the WFM 125 cm3 Motorcycle, Model M06-S01-Z1.
Warsaw, 1965 Publisher: Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności. Printed by Zakł. Graf. "Tamka", W-wa. Prepared by the author: the Motorcycle Construction Department of the Polish Optical Works in Warsaw. Editor: Adam Grabowski, M.D., Technical ed: M. Wodyk.
Brochure cover, pp. 15 (with cover), format 16.4 x 12.1 cm.
Condition: spots and discoloration, corner creases.
M06-S01Z1 motorcycles were produced in 1965-66, after the merger between WFM and PZO.