Nowakowski Zygmunt/ In pursuit of form. Impressions from a stay in Moscow/ Lviv 1934/ Nakł. K .S. Jakubowski/ second edition/ softcover publisher/ p.151/ good condition, slight loss of the spine veneer, rubbing and minor soiling of the binding. Text preserved in nice condition.
Cover done in geometric style, characteristic of 1930s aesthetics, by Celina Niesiolowska (signed) depicting Lenin's mausoleum.
A colorful reportage on Soviet Russia, which Zygmunt Nowakowski, an excellent actor and publicist, visited in the 1930s of the previous century.Rich in detail, full of digressions, details and anecdotes, and, as the author himself emphasizes in the preface,thusthrowinga fresh perspective on the Soviet Union.