Leśmian Bolesław/ Przygody Sindbad Żeglarza/ Warsaw 1936/ Instytut Wydawniczy "Biblioteka Polska''/ second edition/ artistic leather binding modeled on the publisher's/ pp. 193/ four color illustrations on separate boards/ very good condition, ownership stamps on p.tyt and p.3
Artistic binding modeled on the luxurious edition of the publisher's leather binding made by Girs-Barcz atelier; maroon leather with embossed decorations; on the spine silvered titlepage.
, "In 1936 GKW published several books carefully embossed by the National Printing House in Cracow, which deserve to be called a fine book. These are Poems about Marshal Pilsudski by K.Iłłakowiczówna and Under the Belvedere by J.Kaden-Bandrowski, decorated with original woodcuts and vignettes by both artists, and The Adventures of Sindbad the Sailor by B. Lesmian with illustrations made in hand-colored etching and artistically embossed binding. The effort of the designers of the latter item was met with great favor by its author.'' [source: Anatol Girs, Boleslaw Barcz: artists of the book p.12].