France Anatol/ Les contes de Jacques Tournebroche/ Paris [1908]/ Calmann-Lévy/ art binding half leather/ decorated initials, vignettes, finials, 9 illustrations on separate pages/ p.183[2]/ very good condition
Artistic French binding. Wide brown half leather, spine divided into three unequal fields, the middle field divided compositionally into three smaller fields, in the central part embossed and gilded titulature, in the remaining fields gilded and stained scene depicting sparrows standing on vines; gilt decorations in the outer fields, in the upper field, a capon impaled on a spade, in the lower field, an open book and a goose feather; all fields bordered with gilt lines; convex brackets highlighted with pearlwork; covers covered with marbled paper ; corners of covers covered with leather; gilt lines where the materials join; upper page trim gilt; decorated endpapers. Attached to the book is a cardboard box, covered with paper from the covers on the outside, from the inside from the liners. A beautiful, striking piece.
A collection of novellas by Anatole France with colorful illustrations by French painter and poster artist Leon Lebegue.