Credit Society of the City of Warsaw
5% mortgage bond series 7 - 1,000 rubles
Blanket with printed place and date of issue "in Warsaw d. _______ 18__ r.". Printed from the printing house "Emil Skiwski, Warsaw" (printer's footnote designation).
TKM Warsaw Series 7 pledge letters are very rare, while their blanks printed at the "Emil Skiwski, Warsaw" printing house are among the most rare. This is the second piece of Series VII pledge letter that the author of "Catalogue of Pledge Letters" has reached, the blank of which was printed in 1894 at the "Emil Skiwski" printing house.
This auction offers for purchase a pledge letter issued on 20.03/1.04.1895. Attached to the pledge letter is a partially preserved coupon sheet of the Second Amendment (this sheet is not described in the "Catalogue of Pledge Letters", it contained coupons from 41 to 60).
A rare pledge letter - highly recommended!