Credit Society of the City of Warsaw
4.5% Series 8 mortgage bond - 500 rubles
Blanket with printed date of issue "in Warsaw d. September 19/October 1, 1896."
In the "Catalogue of mortgage bonds" under item TKM.W-8.A it is stated that the printing took place in 1896, and the reprinting in 1898 and 1899. Blankets with printed date of issue "in Warsaw d. September 19/October 1, 1896" printed in 1896 and 1898 have a printing footer "LIT. S. ORGELBRAND OF SONS IN WARSAW", while those with the printed date of issue "in Warsaw d. September 19/October 1, 1896" but from the 1899 printing have a different printing footer - "LIT. TOW. AKCYJ. S. ORGELBRAND S. WARSAW" - this will be included in the next edition of the Catalog (Supplements).
This auction offers for purchase a pledge letter from the 1899 printing addition. Attached to the pledge letter is a partially preserved 2nd shift coupon sheet.
A rare pledge letter - highly recommended!