Sixth loan of the city of Warsaw, issued October 1/13, 1899 - 1,000 rubles.
An extremely rare ruble bond of Warsaw prior to World War I. The sixth loan was intended to raise the funds necessary to cover the expenses of building the Mirowskie Halls. It consisted of three sections, 100 rubles, 500 rubles and 1,000 rubles. All of them are very rare, but the 500 and 1,000 rubles are extremely rare - the mintage of these bonds was negligible (1,000 rubles were issued in only 700 pieces), and it should also be remembered that these bonds were subject to conversion to gold bonds in the 1920s and most of them were exchanged.
Pieces stamped by the Polish Consulate in Paris, with the signature of the Polish Consul.
Very nice design - probably the most decorative of all Warsaw bond issues.
Highly recommended!