5% State Conversion Loan 1924
Set (fractional certificates and bonds):
- fractional certificate 1 zloty (Mazur E.18.1)
- fractional certificate 3 zloty (Mazur E.18.2)
- bond of 10 zlotys (Mazur E.18.4) - fragment of a coupon sheet for the years 1935-1945
- 50 zloty bond (Mazur E.18.5) - fragment of a coupon sheet for the years 1935-1945
- 100 zloty bond (Mazur E.18.6) - fragment of a coupon sheet for the years 1935-1945
- PLN 500 bond (Mazur E.18.7)
- PLN 1,000 bond (Mazur E.18.8)
- PLN 2,000 bond (Mazur E.18.9)